1. Daniel Eatock's Imprint is a collection of thoughtful, witty, and conceptual work. Blurring the lines of what is art and what is graphic design, Imprint showcases Eatock's unconventional work, some for clients, and some for himself.

2. Berlin-based graphic designer Judith Schalansky loves Blackletter type, and she professes this love in her book Fraktur Mon Amour. Here you'll find 300 variations of Blackletter type, ranging from historical instances to contemporary usage.

3. From the guy (Michael Perry) who brought you Hand Job: A Catalog of Type, is Over and Over: A Catalog of Hand-Drawn Patterns. If these hand-drawn patterns are as fun and vibrant as the hand-drawn type in the last book, I'm sold.
To buy any of these books, or to just get more information, check out Princeton Architectural Press|New Releases. |DBK
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